
A caching decorator that understands arguments

The idea of a caching decorator is very cool. You decorate your function with a caching decorator:

>>> from python_toolbox import caching
>>> @caching.cache
... def f(x):
...     print('Calculating...')
...     return x ** x # Some long expensive computation

And then, every time you call it, it’ll cache the results for next time:

>>> f(4)
>>> f(5)
>>> f(5)
>>> f(5)

As you can see, after the first time we calculate f(5) the result gets saved to a cache and every time we’ll call f(5) Python will return the result from the cache instead of calculating it again. This prevents making redundant performance-expensive calculations.

Now, depending on the function, there can be many different ways to make the same call. For example, if you have a function defined like this:

def g(a, b=2, **kwargs):
    return whatever

Then g(1), g(1, 2), g(b=2, a=1) and even g(1, 2, **{}) are all equivalent. They give the exact same arguments, just in different ways. Most caching decorators out there don’t understand that. If you call g(1) and then g(1, 2), they will calculate the function again, because they don’t understand that it’s exactly the same call and they could use the cached result.

Enter caching.cache():

>>> @caching.cache()
... def g(a, b=2, **kwargs):
...     print('Calculating')
...     return (a, b, kwargs)
>>> g(1)
(1, 2, {})
>>> g(1, 2) # Look ma, no calculating:
(1, 2, {})
>>> g(b=2, a=1) # No calculating again:
(1, 2, {})
>>> g(1, 2, **{}) # No calculating here either:
(1, 2, {})
>>> g('something_else') # Now calculating for different arguments:
('something_else', 2, {})

As you can see above, caching.cache() analyzes the function and understands that calls like g(1) and g(1, 2) are identical and therefore should be cached together.

Both limited and unlimited cache

By default, the cache size will be unlimited. If you want to limit the cache size, pass in the max_size argument:

>>> @caching.cache(max_size=7)
... def f(): pass

If and when the cache size reaches the limit (7 in this case), old values will get thrown away according to a LRU order.


caching.cache() arguments with sleekrefs. Sleekrefs are a more robust variation of weakrefs. They are basically a gracefully-degrading version of weakrefs, so you can use them on un-weakreff-able objects like int, and they will just use regular references.

The usage of sleekrefs prevents memory leaks when using potentially-heavy arguments.

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